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Genesis is a Personal Voice Assistance for college students. There are many integrated voice commands that students can use to automate tasks.
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Android Studio
Tools & Platform
Responsive | Clear
Genesis UI changes on according to the data it receives from different Api.
Genesis features separate pages for timetable, notice and events so that the students can be on track with everything.
There is also a To-do List on Genesis where students can prepare there daily schedule, with a special reminder feature to remind on the remaining tasks at the end of the day.
Voice Commands
Good Morning Genesis
This command tells you about:
Weather(Temperature outside, suggestions based on the climate conditions, such as to carry an umbrella ).
Lectures you have for the day(according to the college timetable).
To-do tasks(All the remaining tasks yet to be completed)
Registering for a Event
Voice Command:Register for event event_name
This command will make it easier to register for any upcoming event in college. Genesis will fill all the required details and submit it for you. It would give notifications if there is any changes or updates for the event.
Other useful commands
Hey Genesis,what lectures i have today
Hey Genesis,can you show me the notice
Hey Genesis,can you read the notice
Hey Genesis,what lectures i have on Monday
Hey Genesis,wake me up for my class
Hey Genesis,find all nearby restaurants
Hey Genesis,mark the closest ATM
Hey Genesis,what things i have to do today
And many more
Practical Uses :
For seeing our lecture schedule we had to login to our university website and then goto the timetable section to see the schedule of the week. This took a lot of time that is why i included feature like a voice command where we could just say (what lectures i have for today) and the app would display the timetable for that particular day.
I developed a to-do tasks page in the app so that students could easily enter their day tasks which would help them keep a track of things they need to do and the teachers also have access to post some tasks to a particular section of students like from a particular course through the database (like a reminder for a assignment submission).
Senior students used to come to each class and asks junior students that if they were interested for a particular event and took their names and info. This would take a lot of time as they would have to go to every class and ask students. So, that is why a created a voice command like (register me for the event (event_name)) then the app would fill all the student details and submit it to the database. This made the process much more faster as the students could easily say a command be registered for a event. The senior students could easily download the list of registered students from the app database.
Separate notification channel would automatically be created whenever students register for a event and so that senior students could easily pass the notification to only the students that would have registered for the event informing the status about the event.
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